This is A5 - not a bad block to make, however have lost the points on the triangles a common complaint when I do these...
And A6 - wonderfully easy block :) very pleased - next one A7 is a needle-turn applique so will show that at a later date.
A very chilly day in Wellington today, the All Blacks are playing the French tonight at the Stadium... not watching (don't want to jinx the AB's) so have no idea who's winning...
Went for a gentle shuffle jog this morning - with a couple of power walks in between, the shin splints are painful - its definitely the shoes - so will need to go visit ShoeClinic and go on their fancy machine to find out the best runners to buy (and then put them on layby), came home from the shuffle jog and hopped onto the indoor trainer for 30 mins. Fingers are crossed that it will be a kinder day weather wise tomorrow so can go out for a 'proper' bike, is so boring peddling away staring at the garage door watching the minutes slowly tick by on the watch...
Hope you've had a good day, leave me a comment so I know that you're here visiting - love to hear what you have to say about my gobble-do-gook that I write.