Friday, 19 December 2008

A little bit of crafting...

I've recently got into the groove of making these fab bead and thread scissor tassles... they are fun and quick to make, and a lovely small something to add to the christmas cards...

I've also been stitching up a storm trying to complete the tatty teddy stitcheries so I can then start piecing the top of Junior Witches quilt... have taken pxts and sent them to Jnr Witch to show progress, though realised I haven't taken any photo's - so will do that tomorrow and place on my blog then... the stitcheries are looking rather cute :)



Deb said...

No wonder you have been quiet on the bloggin gfront Julz, look how busy you life has been. Once again I am so sad for you about Holly. She is probably sitting under that BIG christmas tree in the sky with our pussycat Nala, tatting baubles together.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Love your tassels - they look gorgeous - brilliant gift idea! Thanks for the award.