However for those that were wondering... I did survive Taupo Cycle Challenge (160km) for another year and even managed to beat last years time by 22mins.
It was a ride of suffering & perseverance as for the first time experienced back spasms which started around 40km's into the ride, and then from around 100kms the quads just above the knees started having spasms every time I stood up on the pedals - thank goodness for 'cramp stop spray' that my riding buddy, Roger had on him. Other than that, the butt survived, my bike went like a dream and no punctures (bonus), the weather was excellent (double bonus).
Just crossed the finish line (6hrs 22mins)
My great riding buddy, Roger :)
No rest over Christmas holidays, as am riding a 2-day tour in Martinborough end of January and then there is Graperide (6 April) where I am entering the magnum event (2 laps of the 101km course).

OMG you are such an inspiration Julz - congratulations what an achievement.
Just a hint re the spasms - magnesium pills do help ;-)
Have a fantastic Christmas xx
hugs, Miche'le
yep still here........goodluck for your rides........
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