Thursday, 8 November 2007

Has been a sad few weeks...

Hi there, it has been all go since before Labour Weekend, and following has been pretty emotional and stressful.

Amongst the number of sad things that have occured during October, our dear Amber dog was diagnosed with cancer on Friday, 26th October (we made the hard call not to go through all the medical treatments as we didn't want her to suffer any pain or see the inevitable changes that would begin to occur) - she came home with us for the weekend so we could say goodbye and Amber was then put to rest on the Monday amongst many tears and sorrow. It is very sad for us all not to have her around, even her continual barking at nothing is missed. She was 13 years old, and had gone deaf in the past year - a loyal companion to my husband and a great playmate to our daughters. It is weird though I am sure I hear her bark often late at night before I turn the last of the house lights off before I head to bed...

As we head into November, am looking forward to a month that is filled with laughter, rather than tears...

May your days be filled with love and joy
J x

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